As a cooperative, we believe in cooperation, in the importance of being an active part of our community. We are continually involved in socio-cultural, educational and sports projects in our area.


A part of this is often directed towards the most disadvantaged, at projects that aim to improve the lives of those who are not as lucky as we are.

Another part is directed towards cultural projects in the realm of the arts, music and in support of the Basque language.


We actively work with universities, training centres and institutes. Thanks to these alliances, the students are able to supplement their training at LANA or with financial grants that we distribute to help improve the quality of the educational centres.

SWe know that our workers of the future are studying in these centres, and we therefore believe that investing in these educational institutions is to invest in our future.


We believe that without sports there is an absence of health, and we also share the values that sport transmits. For this reason, we sponsor several teams in various sporting activities in our are.

In general, we embrace our commitment to our surroundings as part of our very being and of our values.